Thursday, December 22, 2005
UGC NET Results
Any successful candidates from our Department? Congratulations in advance for successful ones and better luck next time for the rest.
Today I come to know that Ms. Shivashanthi has passed the UGC Lecturership. Congradulations Shivashanthi for your success. I wish you all the best in your career.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The study aims at collecting data regarding how technologists use and communicate information in their workplace. The study collects information about the ways and means of communication process that takes place in corporate sector. A well designed data collection instruments is being used for collecting the data.
Dr. Suzie Allard from University of Tennessee introduced the study details to the particpants on the Monday, December 18, 2005. The particpants had given their consent for being observed by an observer from our team. Each observer was associated with one pariticipant. S/he will be observering the participant in his/her workplace for a day. We expect to obseve atleast 12-15 people from each company by the end of this week.
Yesterday's experience was good and funny. The funny part of it is that the observer has to "chase" the participant wherever s/he goes and observe what is s/he doing. First few minutes, participants (as well as observers) found it little uneasy for being observed. Later, they tend to forget the presence of the observer and were involved in their work. Even the observers tried their best to be unobstructive to the extent possible.
I am in the midst of a new kind of experience. I hope to write about my feelings at the end of this week's exercise.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
Adjudciators comment
Ashwini P
Very good range, participated whole heartedly and loved writing in the competition. Would have been cherry on the cake, had she responded to comments or added her friends on her blog list
Mahadev Swamy
Excellent example of learning and trying, kept the spirt and wrote well as days went by, should have concentrated on spellings and grammer, but thought process has to be appreciated. Major Greek fan :), very vocal about his feelings and thoughts, he has.
Has tried his best to improve
Wrote well whatever little she put in.
Raghavendra N
Looks like he digged in deep to understand the way of blogger working. Intersting posts.
Language is an issue again, but a good try
Pradeep Raju
Kept users updated of latest happening, lost password and bounced back, but if he was a little more frequent, would have done wonders :)
Chithra Sastry
Writing what u like is what makes blogging interesting, this girl spoke her heart, hopefully she should continue blogging
Karuna N
Good job, played around with words, images, but lacked the zing
Could have done a great job, but somewhere lost the enthu I guess
Manjunath SR
Could have done a better job, language must be a constraint for him, but well tried
Though her blog was named Ambitious, she had her feet on the ground. Good writing ability and explains the concepts in a understandable laguage
M Sunil
Has tried his best to overcome the nuances of writing, would have been great, had he been regular and more informative!!?? (BTW >> I like this guy, he thinks I am kewl, check his last blog post ;))
Good range of subjects have been choose, am not sure if those are her own words or copy pasted from else where. Nevertheless a very informative blog. Would have been good, if the sources were acknowledged
Has tried his best, got a little hay-way, but a good job nevertheless
Played safe, picked a subject and is still continuing!!!
Ashok R
Dabled with pictures etc, but content was rare
Has the capability, but utilised it in putting up quotes.
Raghu TK
Variety of topics touched, though off 15 days blogged for less than 6 days..Good try, could have been good competion, but never got into the real race!
Ravikumar K
Has tried utilising the image features etc. Atleast tried giving it a new background, but hasn’t bothered about formating the text etc.
Has played around with some of the pic tools and colors etc. Choice of work posted is good. Would have been great, had he written with more concentration on sentences and spellings.
Smitha Prahalad
Started with some promise, but lost the race very early
Hari GRG
Some more meat, and concentration at what he writes, he would have been a close competition
Ashwini Shetty
Stayed on the safe path, cut paste from everywhere, but the topics were quite interesting, atleast I learnt how to put my best foot forward
Tried various options of posting pictures etc, but failed at the color of the text and just lost interest?
Good range, took some pains to atleast make an effort to post on what he thought, promising, but did not venture more
Srinivasa Naika
Has played around with color, text formating etc, but none of the blog posts are orignial, as in they are cut paste from other websites. Frequency, content are high, but what lacks is, making it personalised. Am lost in giving ranking here. I liked the bl
Has a flair to write, but did not leverage on it
Well…laziness prevailed
Harish HT
Played around a lot with images, but never got to put words to pictures.
Amrutha N
quite capable, but Alas!
Syed Mudassir
Must be suffering from writer's block, did not visit after first two days!
Mahadev Prasad
Siddalinga Swamy
Interest level low or is it am busy and lazy?
Rajendraprasad HN
Did not even participate in the race???!!!
I don’t want to give her any marking, but a special prize for saying what she feels. Sir, please help me meet her, when I am there
Comments of Sri Sreeharsha (2ndJudge):
Alvin John Chandra
Except couple of Blogs like Man of words… & Love birds, there is hardly anything to read
No exuberance
Most of the content are CTRL+C & CTRL +V. But looks like she has searched well to get them
Ashoka R
Just pictures with quotes, will not do any wonders
Ashwini P
Good to watch this girl's blog. Chosen topics has a variety. Looks like she is good in academics too
She could have put much more effort in collecting and organising the content
Chithra S
Good work done
Divakar Babu
Nicely written blog
Harish G R
No Comments
Harish H T
Just Pics and no writeup??? Colour combination..aaah!!!!!!
Harish P N
Except "To My Beloved Friends" nothing else is worth mentioning
Karunakar N
Could have used his blog more effectively
Meenakshi MA
Education important for girls is good one. Others worth skipping
Except the name - nenapinangaLa nothing is good
Selection of topics are good. Need to watch the Vocabulary
Where did she find source to put all those words???
Raghavendra N
A Blog about Bloggers/blogging???
Raghu B
Need to improve his grammar. Otherwise good one
Could have used the colour effectively
Ravikumar K
Laws of Impariality was the only substance to read
Shiva Prakash Y
Did not continue the initial spirit
Smitha Prahalad
Did not continue the initial spirit
Sreenivasa Naika
Has chosen my favourite topic - Search Engine.:-) And also played with colour. With right color combination it could have been a treat to watch his blog. For ex. Blog on "About Search Engine" doesn't exist unless you block the whole text. Good work on Quotes too.
Good to watch!!!
Sunil M
Special Oota reminded me my MLIS days when I used to stay @ hostel during exams…Apart from that its ok ok
Syed Mudassir
Did not continue the initial spirit
Final remark: Above remarks are given just to improve your abilities. Take the comments positively.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Blogging Competition Results
The adjudicators for the competition were Ms. Ayesha Taranum of HCL Capital Market Services and Sri. Sreeharsha of i2 technologies. They were communicating with you as OneoftheJudge and 2ndJudge respectively. They have communicated to me that they enjoyed participating in the competition ananymously. I thank both of them for their services. The criteria used by them for assessing your postings are Appearance of the blog (20), Content (30), Comments received (15), Frequency (10) and Style of writing (25). The maximum marks for each facet is shown in the bracket.
My thanks are due to Prof. Shalini Urs who has been behind this competition right from the beginning. Her suggestions and encouragements have gone a long way in conducating this competition successfully.
The top ten bloggers during the competition are:
Ashwini P
Divakar Babu
Mahadev Swamy
Chithra Sastry
Sreenivasa Naika
Raghavendra N
Raghu B
Ashok R
Chaitra M
Ashwini P, Divakar Babu and Mahadev Swamy have won the first, second and third prizes respectively. Congradulations prize winners. I wish very best blogging career for the rest of the participants.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Unit 5 - Information Organization
Unit 5 : Facet analyses and Information Organisation on the Web. Need and Principles. Facet analyses and markup languages. Facet analyses and hyper media and hyptertext. Case studies: CMS Review (; Epicurious ( ; (
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Project work of Pradeep
Monday, November 14, 2005
Refeerences - Information Organization
Marcella, Rita and Maltby, Arthur, ed.( 2000) The Future of Classification. Aldershot, Eng.; Brookfield, Vt.: Gower.
Husain, Shabhat (2004). Library classification: Facets and analyses. 2nd rev. ed. Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corportation.
Pushpa Dhyani (1998). Library Classification: theory and principles. New Delhi: Wishwa Prakashan.
Marcella, Rita and Newton, Rita (1997). A new manual of Classification. Mumbai, Jaico.
Langridge, D. W. (1992). Classification: its kinds, elements, systems and applications. London: Bowker.
Foskett, A.C. (1996). The subject approach to information, 5th ed. London: Library Association Publishing.
Hunter, Eric J.. (1988). Classification made simple. Aldershot, Eng.: Gower
Ranganathan, S.R. (1967). Prolegomena to library classification. 3rd ed. Asia: Bombay.
Shera, Jesse H. (1966). Documentation and the organization of knowledge. Hamden, CT: Archon Books.
Ranganathan, S.R. (1959). Elements of library classification. London: Association of Assistant Librarians.
Sayers, W.C. Berwick (1962). Manual of Classification. 3rd ed. London:Andre Deutsch.
Thanks one and all
I convey my thanks to all the participants. They made this competition a great success. I fail in my duties if I do not thank the judges who have done an excellent job anonymously. The source of inspiration for all these is Prof. Shalini R Urs. I thank her too. My thanks for my senior colleagues in the Department who have guided me and supported me in all my venture, however little they might be.
I have the satisfaction of organizing this event. No body can take away that from me.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Best Blogger
Monday, November 07, 2005
IASLIC Seminar
Interested students may give the details to NSH on or before 10th November 2005. He will be transmitting all your applications to the Chairperson.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Asha PT | Need and Purposes of Information Organization | |
Ashoka R | Guiding principles for presentation of ideas | |
Ashwini N | Modes of formation of subjects | |
Ashwini P | Organization of information on the websites | |
Bharat Raj R | Organization of information in the books | |
Chidananda | Oraganization of information in the journals | |
Chithra S | Oraganization of information in the newspapers | |
Divakar H S | Organization of knowledge through Ranganathan’s schematic diagram. | |
Harish H T | Rounds and Levels | |
| Categories and Philosophers | |
Made Gowda K R | Categories and Library Scientists (other than Ranganathan) | |
Manjunatha S R | Facet sequence | |
Manohar M | Fundamental categories | |
Mary Kutty Sebastian | Theories for information organization | |
Munsaasar Ali Ahmed | Contribution of E.W. Hulme for library classification theory | |
Nagashayana | Sayer's contribution to the theory of library classification | |
Naveen Kumar G | CRG and it contibution | |
Naveena M A | E C Richardson's contribution to the theory of library classification | |
Pradeep S | Ranganatha's Dynamic theory of classification | |
Raghavedra J | Salient features of CC | |
Rajendra Prasad H N | Salient features of DDC | |
Rajeswari H P | Salient features of UDC | |
Ramamani | Historical development of classification schemes | |
Ravichandra C | Use of facet principles for Information organization in Epicurous homepage | |
Ravikumar K | Use of facet principles for Information organization in CMS Review | |
Shiva Prakash Y | Use of facet principles for Information organization in | |
Siddalinga Swamy | Hypermedia | |
Smitha Prahalad | Hyptertext | |
Syed Mudassir | Use of facet analyses on the web |
Friday, November 04, 2005
UGC Questions
These are the UGC questions which we have faced in June 2005.
1. Cost Benefit Analysis
2. User Education
3. Search Engines
4. Applied & Basic Search
5. Communication Barriers
6. Information as Commodity
7. Pre-requisites of Resource sharing
8. Function of IFLA
9. E-documents
10. Difference b/w Information Source & Information Resource
11. Faceted Classification
12. Pre-coordinate & Post coordinate Indexing
13. Search strategy & expression
14. Performance evaluation
16. CIP
17. World Wide Web
18. Difference b/w Digital library & Virtual Library
19. Difference b/w System Analysis & System Approach
20. Information Science as Commodity
Essay Type Questions:-
1. Information profession is more concentrated towards storage
collection of information & neglect the more important user, Comment.
2. What is the advantage of Retrospective conversion of manual
catalogue to automated cataloguing system.
3. During preparing information policy giving more importance to
storage, collection, why. Explain relevance to Indian context.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Maintenance on Saturday
We will be upgrading our network access this weekend which will require downtime for both Blogger and Blog*Spot. The outage will occur at noon (PST) on Saturday and last for 2 hours. Thanks for your patience during this maintenance window.
– Jason G. [11/01/2005 04:48:00 PM]
Blogging Competition
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Holiday Work
I have been seeing the blog entries of the students. It is wonderful experience, particularly the way they responded to my call. I congradulate all of them. Really it gives me satisfcation that I could initiate at least 2/3 people for online culture.
I passed on the workshop money to Ayesha. List of 9 students name was also given to her (one person has to still give the money to me.
Now it is 8 pm. I am hearing the crackers sound. But in my office I am alone and enjoying the work.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Name | Canon |
Asha PT | Canon of Differentiation |
Ashoka R | Canon of Relevance |
Ashwini N | Canon of Ascertainability |
Ashwini P | Canon of Permanenance |
Bharat Raj R | Canon of Concomitance |
Chidananda | Canon of Relevant Succession |
Chithra S | Canon of Consistent Succession |
Divakar H S | Canon of Exhaustiveness |
Harish H T | Canon of Exclusiveness |
| Canon of Helpful Sequence |
Made Gowda K R | Canon of consistent Sequence |
Manjunatha S R | Canon of Decreasing Extension |
Manohar M | Canon of Modulation |
Mary Kutty Sebastian | Canon of Filiatory Sequence |
Munsaasar Ali Ahmed | Canon of Context |
Nagashayana | Canon of Enumeration |
Naveen Kumar G | Canon of Currency |
Naveena M A | Canon of Reticence |
Pradeep S | Canon of Relativity and Canon of Uniformity |
Raghavedra J | Canon of Hierarchy and Canon of Non-Hierarchy |
Rajendra Prasad H N | Canon of Mixed notation and Canon of Pure Notation |
Rajeswari H P | Canon of Faceted Notation and Canon of Non-Faceted Notation |
Ramamani | Canon of co-extensiveness and canon of under-extensiveness |
Ravichandra C | Law of Interpretation |
Ravikumar K | Law of Impartiality |
Shiva Prakash Y | Law of Symmetry |
Siddalinga Swamy | Law of Parsimony |
Smitha Prahalad | Law of Local Variation |
Syed Mudassir | Law of Osmosis |
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Colloquium - Pre-registration
As far as my students are concerned, they had collected some data and unfortunately was not reflected in their proposal. We were given the understanding that the proposal should contain emphasis on the objectives, hypotheses (if any), methodology and work done. Work done was indicated breifly but sufficient material to support the claim was absent in the proposal. I think it is a good suggestion that those things should be there in a proposal.
I think that we may think of coming out with a broad guidelines for preparing the proposal. It should be broad enough to allow the researcher to be innovative, if they want to. Some comments could have been avoided in the interest of encouraging the students and the novice guides. After all the overall objective of the colloquium is not to demotivate the students!
I have asked Sunil and Sudha to take the comments seriously and incorporate the suggestions. I told Sudha not to be too submissive during the presentation. Sunil should learn to take the constructive criticism in a positive way ... some time he tends to enter in to arguments even on a good suggestion.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Express Yourself Online
Monday, October 17, 2005
This is just a trial to see whether I can create kannada blogs
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005

I was not aware about blogging till recently. After I heard one lecture at Department of Library and Information Science as a part of MULISSA activity, I thought of participating in blogging. I was not sure how difficult or easy it would be. Google home page prompted me to creat an account. It is quite easy.